what I don’t get about badges in education

To understand anything, my first step is usually finding similar things I already understand and doing some sort of comparison. I don’t get where badges go, who authorizes them, who determines their value, what they mean to people who wear them, or what they mean to people who view them. I’ve read as much online …

quick sketch

First thinking-out-loud doodle for Kim. Not so happy with this. I like the odd perspective, but I’m not too happy with Flavia. Rolled up girly jeans made sense to me, especially for riding Gladys- but I can only ever find her in a dress. More doodling required!

design hell – from August, 2010

More old stuff. Opinion, no pictures… Perhaps I should’ve stuck with pictures? My own personal hell would be designing graphics for a committee made up of people who have dabbled a bit themselves with drawing pictures… Socialized art. Socialized design. Shirky describes it in his new book, though he doesn’t use those words. Downplay quality …

the McCloud reading

From November 2010 when our small reading group wrote reaction papers to readings in the New Media Reader. The last reading was a chapter from Scott McCloud’s classic, Understanding Comics and it was in comic format. My response, obviously, needed to be in the same comic format, so I stepped directly into Scott’s work to …