note cards

All of these images have been posted here before. I’ve decided to try having cards made of this assortment. I’ve tried, and actually have a link to their store in the widget column of this blog (scroll down…) They do decent work. I’ve tried through work and they do great work. Zazzle provides a service to print for customers on demand. Moo prints for me and I get all the cards at once.

The first image here will be a 5X7 card from It’s ordered but hasn’t arrived. I’ve already seen how prints this image, thought it was good, but I don’t know yet about sharing rights. Zazzle gets nonexclusive rights to reuse and mash up my stuff for their own purposes. In return, they provide the marketplace. And print.

With all the other pen and ink sketches, I’m not really sure how they’ll be printed yet. I’d have to order them individually through Through I can get them all, several of each, in one assortment pack. I’d keep all rights, but I’d have to manage the marketplace. Geez. Who knows? Either way, they’ll be smaller note cards, roughly 4X5½

Really, I just want to make images. I like seeing them printed, but I like mounting the hand made individual hard copy drawings, too. Ain’t it a shame that food costs money?