2 replies on “third sketch, flavia de luce”

  1. I love them all, each for their own artistic merit.

    I looked up 1950’s British Girls fashion. Of course the School Uniform and fancy wear is what is most highlighted. The less bulky lace shoes are good. Would be black or dark brown most likely, so you have some great renderings.

    Definitely 3rd one looks like the somber 1950s Flavia, girl with out a mother, braids her own hair, more concerned about function than fashion.

    The second one is a nice comic books style I think. I really like the family portrait with Harriet in the background.

    In the first one I love the style, angle that she is with Gladys. Flavia is definitely more of a modern vision, if she were from the 60’s, or whenever girls started wearing pants. She would probably be the first one, as she seems so practical. Much easier to bike on Gladys in pants.

  2. Thanks, Kim; you’re very kind.
    There’s lots to consider with her outfits: would she look like a 50s girl? As you point out, she’s more of a contemporary soul. What kind of clothes would be available? The family is in bad financial straits- would Flavia wear hand-me-downs from the 40s? Or even clothes from the 30s when Harriet would have made the purchase? It’s fun to think about. I might do something on paper, just for kicks; though I really need to push the wacom a bit. It’s easier to try different styles with the tablet. Right now I’m wondering if the drawing should look like traditional ink with ben-day dots and maybe a spot color to help capture the era? Maybe.

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