
“Let’s draw Bob the Builder,” she said. We draw a lot, but I always think it’s not enough. I grab pens and paper and we lay on the floor. “How’s this?” I say after drawing his head. “It needs legs.” “Okay. You draw ’em.” So she did. She usually crawls over onto my picture anyway. …

a music video

Man do I hate taking pictures. I’ve enjoyed my granddaughter’s one man band for several days now. It just started this week: she turned on the electronic rhythm, picked up a plastic maraca and harmonica, and started playing. Last week she just danced. It’s a pretty cool development. I don’t think she’s ever seen anything …

mom, 31

Although I haven’t posted my daughter’s card on the year I give it to her before, here’s this year’s card. I figured I’d post it now as a way to show a picture of the best mom ever on Mother’s Day.