Judging Guidelines

An example for designers

The following information is typical of the information given to the judges of graduate level poster shows:

Content (50 points)

The purpose of an exhibit is to convey to a wide audience the significance of a research project to scholars in the field and its potential importance to the general public. The exhibit should testify to the careful design and execution of the research and present results that can be clearly interpreted. It must include:

  1. Short title of the exhibit
  2. Student's name (or names, if more than one student is presenting the exhibit)
  3. Collaborators, advisor(s), and department(s)
  4. Funding sources
  5. Proof of regulatory committee approval (if the project involves human or animal subjects or biohazardous materials)
  6. Objectives
  7. Significance to the field
  8. Significance to society in general
  9. Methods
  10. Results
  11. Interpretation of results and conclusions; how they affect the field.
  12. Directions for future research.

Display (30 points)

The core of each exhibit is a poster, with text and graphics intended for a more general audience. The poster must be mounted on the exhibit board provided and may not exceed its dimensions, which are 3.75 feet wide by 4 feet high. The poster should attract attention and convey information. Language should be simple and descriptions brief. Jargon should be avoided; necessary technical terms should be defined. Spelling and grammar must be correct. All text should be large enough to be read from a distance of 4 to 6 feet.

Photographs, drawings, charts, tables, or graphs should be simple, well-organized, and carefully chosen to quickly explain complicated technical concepts to a wide audience. A tabletop model, computer display, video, original artwork or other demonstration may be included in the exhibit. These demonstrations, however, must clarify the work presented, not simply attract attention.

The following should be clearly presented and readable from a distance of 4 to 6 feet:

  1. Title of the exhibit
  2. Student's name
  3. Collaborators, advisor, and department
  4. Funding sources
  5. Regulatory committee approval (if the project involves human or animal subjects or biohazardous materials)
  6. Objectives
  7. Significance to the field
  8. Significance to society in general
  9. Methods
  10. Results
  11. Interpretation of results and conclusions
  12. Directions for future research

Oral Presentation (20 points)

Each student should have prepared an oral discussion of his or her exhibit. This discussion must not exceed 5 minutes. (Note that a videotape or demonstration cannot be submitted for the discussion). The oral presentation should be clear and concise, and should include the major points presented on the poster (numbers 6 through 12 above). If the student worked with collaborators on the project, including his or her advisor, this presentation should clearly describe the student's role in the overall project.


The total points possible is 100. Points are earned in three areas: Content (50 points maximum), Poster Presentation (30 points maximum), and Verbal (20 points maximum). Each exhibit is evaluated by several judges, assigned at random. Students should expect that their entries will be reviewed by judges from fields of study other than their own.