Let me be clear: This wonderful little drawing is not my work. I found the cartoon just as it appears here: lying in the street in a zip-loc bag. I was walking to my car early Sunday afternoon and saw the bag on Spring Street at Cherry Alley. I realized it wasn’t litter from a …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
three years and counting
Facebook just showed me this image otherwise I probably wouldn’t have noticed the anniversary. Three years in the new position and I’ve settled in nicely to the changes. I think this job is a keeper. I’d written several paragraphs in celebration, then again in explanation, but really, a photo says it all. So on the …
Earth Day
A student committee asked if I’d host discussions in the art room. I was in the room practically all day anyway; it was my senior year and I spent all of my free periods working on art projects. I could wing any discussion, I figured, since discussion was easy. Trash, air pollution, industrial run-off, Pottstown …
monkey care
Each time I’ve looked at my old sock monkey I’ve thought it fitting that he has apparently aged right along with me. Now discolored and full of sags, bulges, and wrinkles, my quaintly misshapen friend was once firm, smooth, and bright. As I age, so does he. On one of my last visits after my …
Gluten Free Expo in State College
Hosted by Central PA newspapers… of which the Centre Daily Times is certainly not one. According to CDT editor Chip Minemyer of the McClatchy Company, the CDT’s sister publications are the Miami Herald, Charlotte Observer, and Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Worth noting, I’d say.
the need for an enemy
From E.L.Doctorow’s Book of Daniel this incredible quote: Many historians have noted an interesting phenomenon in American life in the years immediately after a war. In the councils of government fierce partisanship replaces the necessary political coalitions of wartime. In the greater arena of social relations–business, labor, the community–violence arises, fear and recrimination dominate public …
RetouchPro challenge
Recently I had an email invitation from a website called RetouchPro. I joined the group four or five years ago and unfortunately forgot about them. How the email made it through, I’ll never know- but I’m glad it did. The invitation was to work on a retouching challenge. RetouchPro posted a very unusual image from …
An old friend passed in the Spring. At the memorial service his sister told me the last couple of years had been hard. Tim hadn’t really been himself: Heart trouble, lung problems, hearing difficulty. Still, I wish I could have seen him. Tim was several years younger than me. We were room mates for a …
visual aid
I’m reading the 2008 edition of Clay Christensen’s Disrupting Class. It’s been updated, but this is the version that the library had, and I’m glad for it. I hope the later edition improved the charts. There’s one early on:figure 2.1 in my copy; it sits at the top of the left hand page. It isn’t …
sweet potato salad
I just ate lunch. Sweet potato salad on a bed of baby spinach leaves. Wonderful. I boiled the diced sweet potatoes in heavily salted and vinegared water. The vinegar helps to keep fully cooked potatoes firm and it worked on sweet potatoes, too. Acid slows the breakdown of pectin. Anyway, I ran some of the …